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Lets hear it for Rhys !

Lets hear it for Rhys !
October 12, 2023 Lisa
In Optimise Heat & Steam

Today we received some wonderful news regarding our Apprentice !!!
Rhys has been nominated by his Mentor at West Suffolk College for the Suffolk Education Awards 2023 Apprentice of the Year and has been short listed


‘Rhys is an impeccable apprentice and employee to the organisation he works for. Rhys naturally demonstrates the core values needed to be a proactive, responsible, and engaged apprentice. Rhys has absorbed learning from West Suffolk College as the training provider and from Optimise Heat and Steam as his employer, making him a very valuable asset to the business. Rhys and his employer work incredibly well collaboratively, they have created an internal training plan for him so that he has access to a scope of progression within the company and so that he understands both the business and the engineering aspects of Optimise. This is a fine example of a local employer utilising and nurturing their staff so that they have a great potential to have a progressive, long and happy career within their business. Rhys has recognised the opportunity in front of him, starting with his apprenticeship and has grasped every fine detail with two hands. Rhys is mindful, compassionate of those he works alongside and is passionate about his employment and the business he works for. Rhys does not shy away from any challenge or task ahead of him; and will give all his efforts to ensuring he completes the task ahead of him at a quality standard- he has great potential and embodies all the characteristics that I, West Suffolk College, the Institute for Apprenticeships and Optimise Heat and Steam would expect to see in a young apprentice today.’

Huge congrats Rhys !! We wish you luck and are hoping for a win 🥇

Read all about the Suffolk Education Ewards in the EADT